Reuther Central High School

Project Background

Walter Reuther Central High School is part of the Kenosha Civic Center National Historic District, with exterior walls of Bedford (Indiana) Limestone (1925 John Chubb Architect). National Register of Historic Places District #89000069 and National Register of Historic Places Building #79003770. ICA was the Architect for the very invasive restoration of this 1925 Neoclassical High School.

Markets Served: K12 Education , Technical

Preliminary condition assessment

Failure investigation

Measured baseline drawings

Critical façade examination

Rehabilitation design documentation

Bidder prequalification

Bidding phase services

Structural analysis and monitoring

Stone restoration drawings and specifications

Construction phase services - comprehensive


Researched and reviewed archival documentation

Performed laser scan of existing façades

Developed baseline drawings of the exterior

Performed a detailed condition investigation of the courtyard, walls, and skylights • Evaluated the structural systems of the walls and monitored for movement

Performed additional studies including the evaluation of several areas of structural steel to determine the long-term effectiveness of proposed solutions, the evaluation and field testing of cleaning techniques for the limestone cladding, field studies of new pointing mortar

Prepared drawings and specifications for the exterior stone restoration

Provided continuous on-site documentation and observation of the work, including cleaning all exterior limestone, stone masonry repairs, and the adjacent roof membrane and flashing systems

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Complete building enclosure restoration and modernization of security, lighting and associated services 

Coordination with the SHPO and NPS 

Accuracy of bidding documents led to bids within 1% of original ICA estimate with less than 1% change orders 

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ICA is highly respected by the City of Kenosha Historic Preservation Commission as well as by Kenosha County who has also used ICA for historical preservation and other building envelop projects.”

– Patrick M. Finnemore, P.E.
Director of Facilities KUSD

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